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Keeping it All Organized

Main Page

Choosing the Right Project

Steps of the Scientific Method

The Display Board

The Research Paper












Organization is the key to success!

Begin by creating a time line for your project.  Never wait until the last minute to begin your project.  Pace yourself using all the time you are given.  This will leave you time in the event of any problems during your experiment.

Make sure to keep a project data book.  This is our most treasured piece of work.  Accurate and detailed notes make a logical and winning project.  Good notes show consistency and thoroughness to the judges and will help you when writing your research paper.  Data tables are helpful too!

You should be provided with a "Student Checklist".  This will be required for your project.  Make sure to fill it out completely.  This will assist you in remembering to include everything needed to enter your project.

Finally, keep all of your information together.  All forms, notes, and research can seem like a lot to keep track of.  Keeping everything in one folder will help you stay organized.



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