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Steps of the Scientific Method


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Steps of the Scientific Method

The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments.  The steps of the scientific method should be followed in order to ensure a successful science project.

So, here are the steps of the scientific method that you will need to follow in order to complete your project.

1.  Ask a question - ask a question about something that you observe, How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where?

2.  Collect background information - collect information to help you answer your question using the internet and library.  This will help you find the best way to conduct your experiment and ensure that you won't repeat a mistake that has already been done.

3.  Write your hypothesis - a hypothesis is an educated guess that should answer your question.  Make sure that you state your hypothesis in a way that you can easily measure.

4.  Test your hypothesis - now you get to conduct your experiement to see if your hypothesis is correct.  Make sure to conduct your experiment more than one time, as this ensures that the results are not an accident.  Make sure that you only change one factor at a time and keep all other conditions the same

5.  Record and study your data - record the results of your experiments using charts and/or graphs.

6.  Write a conclusion - write a statement that explains the results of your experiment and if your hypothesis was true or false.

Here is a helpful worksheet that may assist you click here



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