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The Research Paper

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Writing your Research Paper

Your research paper is another very important aspect of your project.  Click on the link for tips on what resources to use for your research.  click here

A good research paper should include the following:

  • A title page
  • A table of contents
  • An introduction - this should include the purpose of your project, your hypothesis, the problem, an explanation of what prompted your research, and what you hope to achieve
  • Materials and methods - use detail to describe how you collected data.  A good paper enables the reader to duplicate your experiment just by reading the paper
  • The results - don't forget to include statistics and graphs in this part of your paper
  • Discussion - Include a discussion of possible errors, what you would do differently, how the data varied among each trial, and how your results were affected by uncontrolled events.  This should be the essence of your paper!!
  • Conclusion - summarize your results in this section of the paper.  Don't generalize, be very specific and never discuss anything in this section that has not been introduced in another section of the paper.
  • Don't forget to give credit to anyone who assisted you by adding an acknowledgments section
  • Finally make sure you have a complete reference list - check to see what format is required for your references (APA or MLA)

You will probably be required to write an abstract.  Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should be on one page.  Make sure that your abstract includes the following

  • purpose of the experiment
  • procedures used
  • data and conclusions

An abstract should focus on the current work done and should not include the following

  • acknowledgments
  • work or procedures done by your mentor
    Click on this link to print out the "How to Write an Abstract" work sheet click here



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